Monday, January 13, 2014

Penguins can laugh

While Pipi and Marci were eating their kaiser rolls they were watching this (totally random):

I'm thinking about writing a new rap song with lyrics like

When you eat you'd better be sitting,
keep your kaiser roll over the plate.
The penguins in the window can wait.
The penguins in the window can wait.

Then we had a look at the penguins. Marci's penguin is big, fat and strong. Pipi's one tends to fall apart, but no problem, we called the doctor.

'What's the matter?'
'Ah, doctor! My beak!!! My head!!! My foot!!!'
'Noooooo problem!'
... and we fixed the penguin with the glue gun.

Then we watched a video with panguins doing penguiny things:

Then with the help of the football we did a listening and pronunciation training activity: I say something and throw the ball at the same time. If the thing is true, the catcher repeats the sentence and throws it back. If it's no true, they just say "Noooooooooo!"

Marci is a penguin.
Pipi likes pizza.
Penguins eat fish.

Then we played the penguin army song "Have you ever seen a penguin come to tea".

I brought some gold fischli snacks and we did some maths.
I put three fish on the table and covered them with my left hand. Through the hole between my thumb and index finger I added some more fish, they had to find out how many fish there were under my hand. Addition and substraction. Wow, they were goood! I was quite surprised.

Next we were a circus and the kids were trained penguins, I was the trainer. I told them what to do, if they did them okay, they were given a little fish.
play the violin
ride a bicycle
cook dinner

Finally we started to make paper fish, to practise shapes and sizes, haven't finished it yet.
big-small, huge-tiny

Some emergent language here:

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